You see someone every day. You’ve never spoken to him or her, but you’ve already you’ve formed some basic opinions. Then one day, you strike up a conversation and discover .. well .. you might need to reconsider your perception skills.
My First Novel: About Chapter 9

Parents. We do love them so much, but sometimes you wish they came with an off switch. We know it all comes from a good place (well, most of the time), so we cope with unsolicited life advice – and the occasional unrequested rearranging of furniture – because, hey, they’re our parents.
My First Novel: About Chapter 8

“Everyone is different” has become pretty much a platitude these days. It’s just how different is the issue. Maybe your thing is to always wear bow ties or lavender stockings. Or both! Or maybe your “different” goes deeper than that.
My First Novel: About Chapter 7

Objects have power. They can represent who you are, where you’ve been, and can elicit all sorts of memories. They don’t have to be luxury items. In fact, they rarely are. They can be as simple as a coffee cup – or a paintbrush. Brooke is no stranger to these objects.
My First Novel: About Chapter 6

Things move so fast these days, we no longer can wait for “full generations” to label people. We now have micro-generations. Each having their unique history and values. The most notable are the Xennials, aka the “Oregon Trail Generation“ …
My First Novel: About Chapter 5

Many times in quiet moments, a name from my past enters my mind, and I think, “Whatever happened to ____? In Chapter Five, Brooke lives one of those moments. Remember, this is a shared experience. Your comments and suggestions at the end of each chapter will help us pick the best route …
My First Novel: About Chapter 4

The first the chapters gave us a little peek on how things turned out. Now, I want to explore the backstory. Chapter Four begins our journey back, how Brooke became Brooke — in Charlotte, North Carolina.
My First Novel: About Chapter 3

Today we finish the first section of our story; fittingly as October and autumn come to the NC mountains. We’ll have more questions than answers after today. Let’s read Chapter Three. Then we’ll go on, so we can eventually arrive at Tall Clover Farms.
My First Novel: About Chapter 2

Welcome back! I hope your return means you like how the book started. In the first chapter we learned some history on a parcel of land in the NC mountains .. and the people involved in it .. past and present. Now I’ll tell you what readers told me, what I plan to do about it, and then – what I was thinking when I sat down to write Chapter 2.
My First Novel

“So what’s it about; this book you’re writing?” I’ve heard that question often since I wrote my blog post about how my dog told me to write a book. My answer, “I don’t know. It’s not finished yet.” I’m inviting you to find out with me; to tell me what you think – one chapter at a time.