I’ll never forget my first Thanksgiving away from home. After only a few months of work, I was promoted to an assignment in the home office; told to report, bright and early, on the first Monday of November. The year was 1963, and my career was off to a good start.
A Prayer for Thanksgiving

“Thank you,” is my prayer this Thanksgiving, and for every day here after. No matter where, with whom, or how, I celebrate – my prayer is the same. I’ll say thank you until I mean it. And, if that’s all I ever say, it’ll be enough.
A Prayer for Thanksgiving

This is my prayer for Thanksgiving, and for every day that follows. It comprised from a series of quotes from author Melody Beattie. She is known primarily for her self-help books on the issue of codependence. She has overcome many hurdles in her life, and I find her perspective on giving thanks and gratitude especially meaningful. Will you join me?
Say thank you … until you mean it.

Thank God, life, and the universe for everyone and everything sent your way. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend …