Do you wait before beginning a new venture, only to miss the opportunity? Do what you want to do, but stop only getting ready. Planning is important but, “Ready, Fire, Aim – with Trust” could be the best advice. That way you can keep aiming after you have already begun, trusting the process. Take for example, my friend Larry …
Setting Goals
No More Stuff: A Progress Report

The choice I made at the start of the year was simple. I Resolve: No More Stuff In 2016! I thought the experiment was going to be harder. So far, I haven’t been tempted to break my vow at all. Maybe the reason I haven’t cared about adding new clothing to my life is because Joyce and I recently added a new member to our family. Our new puppy, Louisa …
On Being a Mindful Minimalist

Do minimalists start out to be minimalist or do they only intend to be more mindful? Is it a race to see who can live with the fewest items, in the smallest house? Or is minimalism only a label? My intent was not to be a minimalist. My intent was to be more mindful in my life and to stop buying more clothing for one year. I already had what I needed.
Going public matters …

Back in the day, almost everyone smoked. We smoked in airplane cabins, restaurants, doctors offices (along with our doc). We smoked when and where we wanted and nobody made us go outside, in the rain, to do it. But then the teachers at our children’s school started telling the students how smoking was NOT good for people. They were scaring my kids – but they were RIGHT.
Doing the Right Thing

After 17 years, McIntyre and Company was a proud and established brand. Every one of our 30 professionals were positive about our future and it showed in their daily work ethic. Then, on a Friday in 1997, the unthinkable happened. We got fired.
Every Step Takes You Closer to Your Rainbow

Our young people are often criticized. “They always want more… They’re not grateful… They have their face in their phones…” But Generation Z, the iGens, are the first post 9/11 generation. They are the internet generation, the information generation. They access EVERYTHING faster, and they can move away just as quickly. They have inherited a new world in need of the unique rainbows only they will be able create. This story introduces you to one “iGen” rainbow maker …
I resolve: no more STUFF in 2016!

Every year at this time, I start thinking about making New Year’s resolutions. This year, rather than picking the usual resolutions like fitness challenges, weight loss, or more charitable donations, I want my choice to be different. For the next twelve months I will not buy another shirt, belt, jacket, t-shirt, pair of shoes, pants – or anything else to wear. I don’t need anymore stuff this year!
Now go to work!

At the start, I thought I knew how the future would turn out. After all, I did what the textbooks said to do – make a business plan, draft pro-forma statements – step by step. But the books failed to say what Curt said, “Now go to work!”
She only has one gear – forward

Sometimes you need to take a step back, other times a step forward is best, but when you lose a leg, just thinking ‘steps’ takes courage. Family and friends offer help, doctors and therapists give suggestions, but it was hard for Janelle Tuck Lenhart to trust their advice, especially since they all had two healthy legs. Her case was different. She felt alone.
Food Trucks Matter

Food trucks, like each of us, create their own brand – their own style. An entrepreneurial chef can pull together a truck at a fraction of brick and mortar restaurant cost. With four wheels, a small staff, and social media savvy they build their business and their brand.