If I wanted a tool that would represent a well-lived life I’d reach for a Swiss Army Knife. It’s the perfect tool to get most jobs done. It travels well, and no matter the direction one of its implements is pulled can always find its way home – to its core.
Setting Goals
My Dog Pulled Me Out

I’ve got good news – our dog pulled me out of my hole. But now I’m worried because she’s led me into one that could be worse. She’s telling me to write a book. Special Pup knows all about my hole; it’s a hole about writing these stories and needing to think up a new one each week. After all, she’s been hearing about them her entire life. That’s why, when I brought this whole thing up, she kept quiet for a while …
Becoming That Guy

I want to be that guy. You know him. He always takes time to listen, never jumps in. When you’re with him, you feel important. You matter with that guy. Some are born that way, others need time. The saddest are those who never become that guy; even when they try. I wasn’t born that guy. I’ve been given plenty of time. So if I want to join, I’ll need to get to changin’ – and here’s where I’ll start.
Walking Into A Resolution

Walking through my days, I bump against things that upset me. “It’s just not right,” I think to myself. I might even mumble it out loud. Then I shrug and walk quickly past. I’m on my way to the urgent. This can wait for another day. Yet, I’m still proud I at least noticed, when most seem so unaware. Indifference keeps us safe. As the saying goes, “Just stick to the knitting to avoid any hassles in life,” right?
Just Another Golf Lesson

Golf has been good for me. Along with being a relaxing walk in the countryside, this ancient game has given me things I never picked up in school. The most obvious was how there’s only one set of rules, and how the rules apply to everyone. Rich and poor, men and women, left handed and right, everyone plays from the same book. If only that philosophy carried off the green and into the world.
Fear of Becoming A Snipe

Our annual Snipe hunts took place on Thursday evenings after Taps. The hunters were instructed to quietly assemble so as not to waken the Scout Master, who, of course, knew exactly what was going on, and then we would head up the mountain together. Lately, I find myself identifying with the Snipe.
Starting Early For New Year’s

Annual rituals are important and need more thought-time than a few quick hours between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. More planning produces better results. So I’m making the choice to join author Pat Conroy and create a new tradition – a tradition of using a few of my long summer evenings to reflect back on my last New Year’s resolution and start planning for the next.
2017 – Saying “Thank You”

In 2017, I will focus on the two big magic words, THANK YOU. I’ll say “Thank You” for the people and memories in my life – some old, some new – for filling me up each day. I’ll say thanks for all the gifts that come my way. I’ll say thanks with my words, with my smiles, and with my acts of kindnesses.
How’d it work out … 2016?

I already had enough stuff, so I put my retail therapy on hold for a year. I wanted more time for intentional choices. It was actually easier than I thought it would be. I didn’t buy a single piece of clothing all year! For 2017, I vow to only buy when necessary, focusing on keeping what I have in good repair, and then replacing things when it’s time …
Yes, they’ll be almost like new

There are things I count on as always being there. Close to the top of my shortlist are my work boots. They’re comfortable and do their job without any fuss. They are always there for me, like old friends. My boots don’t get used everyday and sometimes I assume they will be just as ready to go as they were the last time I wore them. I don’t think of them as being tired or wearing out. That’s why it was such a surprise when the sole came off …