If I wanted a tool that would represent a well-lived life I’d reach for a Swiss Army Knife. It’s the perfect tool to get most jobs done. It travels well, and no matter the direction one of its implements is pulled can always find its way home – to its core.
A Reader Writes … “My Mirror”

The best part of sharing my stories is when a reader remembers their own story and shares it with me. Vivian Moose read The Guy in The Glass and it reminded her of a glass in her life. In her story, the mirror went from being an ‘enabler of her pity’ to a ‘life saver’ to finally becoming her ‘best friend and teacher.’ Here is Vivian’s story, told in her words and with her full permission …
Yes, it does matter

Sometimes I wonder if what we do, or say, or think make a difference. People are so busy. Do they listen, or care? In my heart, I think they do. Of course, it doesn’t always show up right away. It may take weeks, or even years. People may not ever realize that the ideas stored in their brain were planted long ago, waiting for the right time to emerge. They may not remember who said it, or did it, but that doesn’t matter.
If they could see her now!

I met Linda Viner after a 5K race. Linda blew away her age group and I was fortunate in mine. Despite her achievement that morning, Linda was ready for more. Linda is a nationally ranked Tower Runner. Those are the competitive stair climbers who travel the world racing up the tallest buildings. But she didn’t always feel like a champion.