There’s a small bowl on a table in our home. The bowl shows a couple who appear blissfully in love; to their side are six red hearts. When I turn the bowl over I can read where the artist has etched, “The secret of a long marriage is to put a little romance in every day.” It’s signed, “Mary.” I don’t know Mary but I’d like to meet her, and thank her for crafting the most perfect of gifts.
A Mother’s Love Is Everlasting

Kids do stupid things. They’re busy living each moment, never thinking about the future or the consequences of their actions, and how those consequences can last a lifetime. Fortunately for me, a mother’s love overlooks a lot of stupid.
Chasing the American Dream.
From Coal Mines of Illinois to Gold in Alaska (almost).

Armed with only a grammar school education my father was off to Alaska to find Gold, leaving his parents, sister and brother behind. Bold for any boy of only 17.