Do you have any Christmas Tree traditions? Tree up right after Thanksgiving, or later? When do you take it down? Is there a reason why? Or something you just do? What about the ornaments? I’ll bet you have some special ornaments on your tree each year. Ornaments with a story.
A Thanksgiving I Will Never Forget

I’ll never forget my first Thanksgiving away from home. After only a few months of work, I was promoted to an assignment in the home office; told to report, bright and early, on the first Monday of November. The year was 1963, and my career was off to a good start.
Memories of Christmas Past

My memories of Christmas all run together – like one big happy dream. The family gathers for good food on the table, with gifts to share, then everyone leaves full of The Good Spirit hoping to make the moment last for another year.
A Perfect Gift

Finding the perfect gift is difficult. If you’re anything like me, you already have what you need. Thankfully, there’s a solution to this ancient problem with an old-fashioned gift exchange. It doesn’t involve an elaborate dinner table with decorations galore or even a coiffured tree with sparkling lights .. just a small gift of kindness …
A Prayer for Thanksgiving

“Thank you,” is my prayer this Thanksgiving, and for every day here after. No matter where, with whom, or how, I celebrate – my prayer is the same. I’ll say thank you until I mean it. And, if that’s all I ever say, it’ll be enough.
Celebrating The Season With Kindness

In every tradition: Christian, Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikhism, Judaism, Baha’i, “Nones” and more – the message is the same – Be Kind.
What Would You Like For Christmas?

Our gifts of choice have become donations to the other’s favorite charity. I’m happy to say that our children have picked up this choice too and now there is far less holiday hassle and less wrapping paper in the recycle bin after Christmas. If you’re like us and don’t need another piece of jewelry, shirt, or sweater then a family Holiday Donation Exchange may be the best choice.

In every tradition: Christian, Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikhism, Judaism, Baha’i, “Nones” and more – the message is the same – Peace.