Golf has been good for me. Along with being a relaxing walk in the countryside, this ancient game has given me things I never picked up in school. The most obvious was how there’s only one set of rules, and how the rules apply to everyone. Rich and poor, men and women, left handed and right, everyone plays from the same book. If only that philosophy carried off the green and into the world.
When “NO” Was Not A Choice

Smucker’s would be the ideal fit for us. But when I finally got the Region Manager on the phone, he told me he would only be in Charlotte for one day and his interview schedule was already full. Sorry. Later that evening, my thoughts started to come together. I was not going to accept his NO answer. Period.
How’d it work out … 2016?

I already had enough stuff, so I put my retail therapy on hold for a year. I wanted more time for intentional choices. It was actually easier than I thought it would be. I didn’t buy a single piece of clothing all year! For 2017, I vow to only buy when necessary, focusing on keeping what I have in good repair, and then replacing things when it’s time …
Paralympic Gold Comes At A Steep Price

A fresh group of athletes from 176 countries are arriving in Rio de Janeiro to compete in the 2016 Summer Paralympic Games. From September 7 to September 18, competitors will go for the gold in 528 events – and, dare I say, with more courage than the participants who recently moved out of Olympic Village.
Stop getting Ready, Choose to Start

Do you wait before beginning a new venture, only to miss the opportunity? Do what you want to do, but stop only getting ready. Planning is important but, “Ready, Fire, Aim – with Trust” could be the best advice. That way you can keep aiming after you have already begun, trusting the process. Take for example, my friend Larry …
What’s Next for Cuba?

We just returned from an eye-opening trip to Cuba, a trip that until recently was not permitted for citizens like us. Cuba, while just 90 miles off Florida, has been off-limits to U.S. travelers for more than half a century. Now, as I settle back into my daily routine, I am having trouble reconciling my pre-existing prejudices with the realities of life on that small but powerful island.
Starting your own business? Ten things I wish I knew 35 years ago.

It’s true that each business has at least a few unique qualities, yet if your business will be larger than just yourself and will interact with Clients, Customers, and Co-Workers, you will need some guideposts along the way. Here are mine.
Which Road do I Take?

The Cheshire cat asked where I wanted to go. Was he asking about a place, a destination? Yes, but maybe he was asking more. Maybe he was asking about a state of mind, of being. Maybe it was about an attitude that would help me make choices to steer my journey – things I needed to pack and have handy for the trip.
Doing the Right Thing

After 17 years, McIntyre and Company was a proud and established brand. Every one of our 30 professionals were positive about our future and it showed in their daily work ethic. Then, on a Friday in 1997, the unthinkable happened. We got fired.
Yoga has an older history in Charlotte than I knew

I can only scratch my head and wonder what people must have thought back in 1970 when Ann Owens began explaining the benefits of yoga to her friends. I know anxiety and stress were alive 45 years ago, but it all seems like a more simple time. Just the image of people from Myers Park – on mats – in a church – doing Downward Facing Dog is more than I can take in.