Our children grew up with public television. The dial on the TV was set to The Electric Company, Zoom, Sesame Street, and Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Mr. Rogers was about kindness and love. And that bothered me.
When babies have lockdown drills, we need to make new choices

Nursery schools around the country are concerned that the children in their care might become victims of gun violence. That’s why Erin and Jason’s 15-week old son practicing for the day when a gun wielding terrorist enters his new life. We should be outraged, but we aren’t. Instead, we just accept the inevitability of this kind of violence. That makes us as guilty as any perpetrator.
Going To Camp – On A Bike

I have wonderful memories of my childhood summers. My days were not interrupted by the school bells. In those months, my classroom was outdoors, exploring the neighborhood on my trusty red bike. Today, things are different. Kids spend less time exploring on their own. At CLT Bike Camp, children ages 5 thru 13 can learn the essentials of safe riding, bicycle maintenance and more; while having fun in a safe and supportive environment.
When Kids Buy A Company

How much do your children or grandchildren know about money, where it comes from, and how to use it? Understanding money, the work required to earn it and the knowledge to manage it, are important parts of any good education. In late 2011, I opened trading accounts for all four grandchildren at Charles Schwab. These accounts weren’t some fancy inheritance tax strategy, or college savings accounts, rather small custodial accounts that couldn’t be cashed out until age 21. The goal was education …
If I could choose MY School …

My schools were always red brick. We sat in rows at our desk, facing the black board. The teacher talked. We listened. Period. Davidson Green School empowers students, from age three up through fifth grade, to learn how to be independent, creative, and responsible thinkers. That’s inspiring and it fits with what I want from education today.
Lessons from Running with Middle School Boys

A 73 year-old grandfather learns about boys from running with them after school. Finishing my fourth season of coaching a running program for middle-school boys, I feel I have gained some insights into working with boys during this awkward time in their development. I am not a child psychologist, nor a spokesperson for any running program; these are just a grandfather’s thoughts.