I wasn’t looking for charity in 1979, but that’s what my friend offered. I had started my own business so my family could enjoy the good life. Sure, I knew it would be hard and that there would be struggles, but I also believed I could make it all workout – in time. Charlotte was different then … getting to know each other was important in those days. So I wasn’t surprised when a stranger walked into my small office …
Charlotte History
Good Listeners Make Better Storytellers

Better storytelling can be traced to good listening, and as Willa Sibert Cather, the novelist who wrote so vividly about frontier life on the Great Plains tells us, it all begins at an early age. Willa’s belief reminds me of Corey, a toddler who grew into a man at a small nursing home his parents operated in Charlotte. Hillcrest Manor was Corey’s entire world until he started preschool …