The best part of sharing my stories is when a reader remembers their own story and shares it with me. Vivian Moose read The Guy in The Glass and it reminded her of a glass in her life. In her story, the mirror went from being an ‘enabler of her pity’ to a ‘life saver’ to finally becoming her ‘best friend and teacher.’ Here is Vivian’s story, told in her words and with her full permission …
Pick Just One Tree

The maple tree was there all along; overshadowed by a tall oak growing a few feet away. When the oak got sick I was sad, but it had enjoyed a long life providing a home for generations of birds and squirrels and bearing witness to many changes to its surroundings. In many ways, the oak had become too privileged over the years …
Recovery can take the long road home.

Free of my cancer treatments, I thought I could just run quickly from the darkness of the cave into the bright light of regained health, but my recovery was much longer than a short run – it was a long and difficult uphill climb.
“I have Cancer and I am Homeless”

Some roads in life are lonely and cold.
“I have cancer and I am homeless.” Those were the first words Charlie said to me in 2012. Either phrase is scary, but when I put them both together I saw a nightmare that was beyond comprehension.

The folks at Long’s Cleaners gave me a button that said “Cancer Sucks”. I never wore it. I didn’t like the word – and later I didn’t like the message. Of course cancer is bad, but if you are lucky enough to survive, cancer can be a great life coach. Cancer is the darkness that makes you appreciate the light. My cancer showed me that life is better and more valuable when you enjoy each moment and stay focused on all the positives of every experience unfolding around you.