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What Fork To Follow?

In the past 52 months, I’ve written over 200 stories encompassing a bit over 130,000 words, highlighting the choices I and others have made on life’s journey. Even in the course of evolving this website, there were more choices to be made. A lot of forks in the road. And as the late Yankee Hall-of-Famer suggested, I took them. I decided to take one of the forks British writer and lay theologian, C.S. Lewis describes in boarding a bus on a drizzly afternoon and embarking on an incredible voyage through Heaven and Hell, albeit not as dramatic.
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Chapter 17: Word Begins to Spread
Brooke typed his name and number into her phone, being sure to spell out JUSTICE in all caps so she’d remember it wasn’t Justin. That was embarrassing. The two set a price for his help, and now Justice was on most of the shoots. Brooke wasn’t sure why it took her so long to realize […]
My First Novel: About Chapter 16

Justice can be swift. Justice can be righteous. And sometimes Justice is some guy at the park. Random encounters can often have a major impact on your lifepath – as Brooke is soon to find out.
Chapter 16: And Justice Shall Triumph
Brooke and Peter still didn’t have a name for their new business. Mel’s idea of “Barking Out Loud” was good, but Brooke wanted to use only the initials. After all, BOL was in every story Peter wrote. Peter’s sense of humor was off a few degrees, so the things he wrote were funny, in the […]
Be My Valentine

There’s a small bowl on a table in our home. The bowl shows a couple who appear blissfully in love; to their side are six red hearts. When I turn the bowl over I can read where the artist has etched, “The secret of a long marriage is to put a little romance in every day.” It’s signed, “Mary.” I don’t know Mary but I’d like to meet her, and thank her for crafting the most perfect of gifts.