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Guest Post – Life on Hold

There are days when I feel like I’m working hard and improving a lot. And then there are days when all I feel is frustration. I’m hoping that over time, I will get more used to this and the good days will start to be normal and the bad days will only happen rarely. This time is all about being patient with ourselves.
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All will be Well in the Garden

As we walked to our favorite spot in the park, I told Louisa about the Jerzy Kosinski book, Being There and its protagonist, Chauncey Gardiner, and how he said, “..all will be well in the garden.” She barked in agreement before jumping on the bench. We marveled at the colors’ return, more vibrant than ever this spring. Maybe it was the rain over winter, or perhaps something else. Maybe it was Nancy and Jerry who told the garden it was time to bring back the colors which would bring people back to the park.
My First Novel: About Chapter 20

Road trips sometimes are also trips down memory lane. You remember past trips: the sights, the smells, old routines, and the people associated with them. And yet, the excitement of what lies up the road remains fresh and new.
Chapter 20: BOL Hits the Road
One by one, Brooke added more people, every single one of them full time. Yes, there were a few bad hires, “near misses,” Peter called them. Whatever the reason, they didn’t last. Brooke vowed to never be like Marion, the real estate lady who, on the day of Brooke’s three-month review, said, “Your fired.” Brooke […]
My First Novel: About Chapter 19

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