
“You have a childhood, youth, and adolescence free of having to worry about social media posts and mobile phones. We learned to consume media and came of age before there were Facebook and Twitter and Snapchat and all these things where you still watch the evening news or read the newspaper.” – Dan Woodman, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Melbourne

Things move so fast these days, we no longer can wait for “full generations” to label people. We now have micro-generations. Each having their unique history and values. The most notable are the Xennials.

Born in the six-year span at the dawn of the digital age, 1977 – 1983, they are pretty much the ultimate in-betweeners. Also called the \”Oregon Trail Generation\”, they can recall a time before the internet took hold. Many spent their early years in a house without a personal computer. Yet they spent their formative years learning how to get plugged in and universally connected.

When they talk about their childhoods, they fondly remember AOL, Napster, and the Game Boy.

Brooke is a Xennial. So are her new friends.

Chapter Six gets into the lives of this unique and transitional group.

In Chapter 6, life begins to settle in for Brooke. She becomes “a regular”, receives a very generous offer, yet still has some choices to make. 

So let’s keep reading. Here’s Chapter 6.

Remember, this is a shared experience. Your comments and suggestions at the end of each chapter will help us pick the best route so we can all end up back at Tall Clover Farms by the end of the book.

As always, the conversation starts here.