30 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’
31 The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
– Mark 12:30-31New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
Loving some neighbors is hard especially when they put out the wrong political yard sign. I struggle to even tolerate them this time of year.
And yet, these are families I know and love, so I work harder at it. Then I wonder about people across town and in other parts of my state. Do I have to love them too?
Love Builds Up, I believe, so I ask if these candidate signs add love or only separate us further?
I wonder if the yard signs are even necessary. The experts say they do little good, if any, but they are necessary for the base (whoever they are).
David Mowery wrote in Campaigns and Elections:
“…most consultants, myself included, feel they’re a complete waste of time. But proving that to a candidate and his cadre of volunteers is another story. I can quote the misguided sign strategy from a plethora of volunteers over the years. “Y’all got any signs? I got a lot of good locations if you want to put some of them 4x8s out,” one supporter told me.
“We gotta get us up a sign committee and really get ‘em out,” another eager beaver said. One enterprising fellow once told me: “I got a pickup truck that I park around town, and for $50 a week I’ll put your sign in the back.”
“But inevitably, some folks view signs as a barometer of a campaign’s effectiveness. Under this logic, if a candidate doesn’t have enough visible yard signs, is she even a candidate? “Y’all hardly got any signs out,” one volunteer told me recently. “Your opponent has ‘em everywhere. It’s like you’re not even running.”
I will vote. I always do. At this point they should have a good idea of how. If anyone wants to know why or talk about it, we can have coffee and maybe find common ground, something that is missing in recent elections.
My vote – yard signs divide neighbors – and neighborhoods – and communities. So vote NO to the sign.
How do you feel? Why do you put up yard signs, and stickers on your car, if you do?
Has anyone ever said, “I’m glad you put up that sign,” unless they were already on your side? Can you tell me about neighbors who have had signs damaged or stolen?
Do you have examples of how we have grown further apart in our country with all the political wrangling?
As always, the conversation starts here.
“In the ordinary choices of every day we begin to change the direction of our lives.” – Eknath Easwaran
Watch our news reporters and political leaders setting a not-so-great example of how to have a constructive discussion.
Not an issue with me. I’ve put out maybe three or four political yard signs in my 80-year life. Here it seems to be a Democrat thing. However, if I thought it would cause a Democrat to be upset, I’d probably do it. They’re so much fun to watch when they’re upset. Confession, I put a “AuH2O” bumper sticker on my car in 1960. That didn’t seem to help.
Ken –
Thanks for the comment. Yes, some yards seem covered in signs and others, not so much. Your yard sounds “sign free.” Good, that is my choice this year.
As for loving your neighbor, do you still love him if he is not a Republican? I am suggesting that the signs just drive us further apart, when we should take time to listen and try to at least be friends.
About your Goldwater sticker, you say it, “didn’t seem to help.” Do you mean in the election or in the trade-in value of your car?
– Bruce
I love all my neighbors. Of the 60 homes on our circle, I know of 2 Democrats, but there may be more. They typically don’t reveal themselves.
Now that I am reminded, my ’57 Chevrolet Belair coupe held its value quite well. Not sure that was due to the bumper sticker.
Ken –
I remember the ’57 Belair. I would like to have it today, even with its bumper sticker (doubt anyone would understand “AuH2O”).
Why do you think your 2 of 60 neighbors are so quite?
– Bruce
Quite what?
Ken, sorry. That should have been “quiet.” Why are your 2 of 60 neighbors are so QUIET?
– Bruce
So, I hear what you’re saying, Bruce! But here’s my take. I feel an obligation to be authentic and open about where I stand, since where I stand politically reflects my core values. If my neighbor and I “love” each other, we probably already know each other’s leanings. So a yard sign is something that may encourage someone who doesn’t know me but respects me to consider the options a little more openly. (I just put four yard signs up today! – a bit of an overkill) I also remember a dear friend years ago who happened to be on… Read more »
Barbara –
Yes, being authentic and open is important. Having the “sit down” to listen and learn is what I am asking for, and I know you want that exchange.
Were all four signs for the same candidate, or did you select several?
And, I hope I was not your friend who put my sign in your yard. HaHa. Thanks for your comment.
– Bruce
If our neighbors respect us, a yard sign might well influence them!
Jack –
Yes, if your neighbor respects you and and these conversations have taken place there can be influence.
Too often the political signs go up without the respect and conversation and each side just digs in deeper without ever talking.
It is my opinion that the conversations and respect are too often lacking today.
Thanks for joining the conversation.
– Bruce