I wasn’t looking for charity in 1979, but that’s what my friend offered. I had started my own business so my family could enjoy the good life. Sure, I knew it would be hard and that there would be struggles, but I also believed I could make it all workout – in time. Charlotte was different then … getting to know each other was important in those days. So I wasn’t surprised when a stranger walked into my small office …
Small Business
When “NO” Was Not A Choice

Smucker’s would be the ideal fit for us. But when I finally got the Region Manager on the phone, he told me he would only be in Charlotte for one day and his interview schedule was already full. Sorry. Later that evening, my thoughts started to come together. I was not going to accept his NO answer. Period.
Handshakes Matter

I won’t say that I ever made a decision solely on a person’s handshake, but I will say the handshake is always a big part of my first impression of that person. Good handshakes convey warmth and strength. They’re firm but never overpowering, conveying confidence and truthfulness. I trust a good handshake, and at the close of the meeting I feel comfortable with my partner, never pulled off-balance.
The Perfect Person for the Simplest Job Is You

Can something like delivering bread be the key to business success? You bet! Sometimes, you may be just the person to do the simplest job. Case in point. Even though every customer was important, it was always special when I got an appointment with the president of my largest distributor customer. Those meetings could turn to gold – overnight. That day, Howard, Jr. was giving me his complete attention, at least until his phone rang …
Now go to work!

At the start, I thought I knew how the future would turn out. After all, I did what the textbooks said to do – make a business plan, draft pro-forma statements – step by step. But the books failed to say what Curt said, “Now go to work!”
Don’t like your job title? Make-up a new one.

Glenda had not been in the job long and people were already talking about her. She was pleasant, smiling, and greeting everyone by name. Each guest got her undivided attention and still she answered the phone with a smile by the second ring. One day a small sign appeared at her desk …
Food Trucks Matter

Food trucks, like each of us, create their own brand – their own style. An entrepreneurial chef can pull together a truck at a fraction of brick and mortar restaurant cost. With four wheels, a small staff, and social media savvy they build their business and their brand.
One meatball builds a business

When my company was new, I would read the trade journals at night scanning the manufacturer’s ads. If it was a big ad I would not call; they usually had representatives, plus long distance calls were expensive. The little ads were different – they needed help. If they made a quality product for a fair price, it might be something we wanted to sell …
Entrepreneurs Matter

Married and with two young children, I took a big step to enter the world of small business. I had spent 17 years with all of the privileges of upper management in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Those years were educational and rewarding but I was ready for something new; plus, there was a side of Corporate America I didn’t want to be part of …
Pick-Up-Sticks for business and life

Can a kid’s game of pick-up-sticks teach us anything? Did you ever play pick-up sticks as a kid? We played on rainy days or when it was just too cold to be outdoors. Sitting in a circle on the floor – the first player lets all the sticks drop on the floor. The idea is […]