In the past 52 months, I’ve written over 200 stories encompassing a bit over 130,000 words, highlighting the choices I and others have made on life’s journey. Even in the course of evolving this website, there were more choices to be made. A lot of forks in the road. And as the late Yankee Hall-of-Famer suggested, I took them. I decided to take one of the forks British writer and lay theologian, C.S. Lewis describes in boarding a bus on a drizzly afternoon and embarking on an incredible voyage through Heaven and Hell, albeit not as dramatic.
Ode to a Swiss Army … Life

If I wanted a tool that would represent a well-lived life I’d reach for a Swiss Army Knife. It’s the perfect tool to get most jobs done. It travels well, and no matter the direction one of its implements is pulled can always find its way home – to its core.
A few words about Style and Fashion

I enjoyed watching the royal wedding on TV last month. I was glued to the beautiful bride in her Cinderella dress standing beside her handsome Prince Charming groom on that Saturday morning. Meghan and Harry’s stunning ceremony had all the regal traditions I expected – with one thing added. The globally televised union gave me a reminder of the meaning of love. Not just the love between husband and wife, but the unconditional love God has for all his children.
Romero – A Different Story of Love

The date has been set. October 14, 2018 has been chosen by the Vatican as the day for the canonization of the slain Salvadoran archbishop, Oscar Arnulfo Romero. When Romero was hand picked by the church and state to lead El Salvador’s faithful, it was assumed he would merely maintain the status quo of this country where Roman Catholic rituals permeate every corner of society. The Archbishop’s messages began to change over his three years, as more homilies started speaking of a new way. A way where change could happen sooner; an idea that the meek shouldn’t need to wait until death to inherit the earth.
When babies have lockdown drills, we need to make new choices

Nursery schools around the country are concerned that the children in their care might become victims of gun violence. That’s why Erin and Jason’s 15-week old son practicing for the day when a gun wielding terrorist enters his new life. We should be outraged, but we aren’t. Instead, we just accept the inevitability of this kind of violence. That makes us as guilty as any perpetrator.
Becoming That Guy

I want to be that guy. You know him. He always takes time to listen, never jumps in. When you’re with him, you feel important. You matter with that guy. Some are born that way, others need time. The saddest are those who never become that guy; even when they try. I wasn’t born that guy. I’ve been given plenty of time. So if I want to join, I’ll need to get to changin’ – and here’s where I’ll start.
Walking Into A Resolution

Walking through my days, I bump against things that upset me. “It’s just not right,” I think to myself. I might even mumble it out loud. Then I shrug and walk quickly past. I’m on my way to the urgent. This can wait for another day. Yet, I’m still proud I at least noticed, when most seem so unaware. Indifference keeps us safe. As the saying goes, “Just stick to the knitting to avoid any hassles in life,” right?
A Perfect Gift

Finding the perfect gift is difficult. If you’re anything like me, you already have what you need. Thankfully, there’s a solution to this ancient problem with an old-fashioned gift exchange. It doesn’t involve an elaborate dinner table with decorations galore or even a coiffured tree with sparkling lights .. just a small gift of kindness …
A Prayer for Thanksgiving

“Thank you,” is my prayer this Thanksgiving, and for every day here after. No matter where, with whom, or how, I celebrate – my prayer is the same. I’ll say thank you until I mean it. And, if that’s all I ever say, it’ll be enough.
When A Story Moves From Good To Best

I judge my stories as “good” when they have a reader. It moves to “better” when the story affects someone, then all the way to “best” when a reader takes action and creates their own story. My 16 year-old grandson took my 70 year-old experience and moved it into his life. Then he pondered what it meant and how it would shape the stories he would tell his grandchildren …