Road trips sometimes are also trips down memory lane. You remember past trips: the sights, the smells, old routines, and the people associated with them. And yet, the excitement of what lies up the road remains fresh and new.
My Novel
My First Novel: About Chapter 19

There’s an odd feeling you get when after going full tilt for so long, things finally slow down to a normal pace, and you quite don’t know how to handle it. Brooke is discovering this as her business hits its stride, and she finally finds herself with some free time.
My First Novel: About Chapter 18

Do truly creative people have an unspoken language? Is there some sort of high-level right-brain telepathy going on the more left-brained folks can’t tune in?
My First Novel: About Chapter 17

Nothing succeeds like success. And after several false starts, Brooke is finally seeing the benefits of that. So much so that her “little business” is starting to become not so little anymore.
My First Novel: About Chapter 16

Justice can be swift. Justice can be righteous. And sometimes Justice is some guy at the park. Random encounters can often have a major impact on your lifepath – as Brooke is soon to find out.
My First Novel: About Chapter 15

Do you believe in luck .. or lucky signs? Are good luck omens real – or do they just motivate you to make your own luck? What’s the difference as long as it works? Brooke is about to find out.
My First Novel: About Chapter 14

Sometimes in the midst of crisis, comes clarity. In fact, in Chinese, “crisis” is a two character word, 危机, which roughly means “danger” and “opportunity”. And this is where we now find Brooke.
My First Novel: About Chapter 13

Fate is a funny thing. You plan and plan for your life to go a certain way. Then BOOM, along comes something out of the blue, and your life goes into an entirely different direction. Sometimes for the better. Sometimes for the worse. Sometimes both.
My First Novel: About Chapter 12

Comfort food can be a comfort for a lot of reasons. When alone, it often transports you happy times, a “taste memory” associated with family and friends. When shared with others, it’s often a step-off point to a dialog where you share memories and experiences. You learn more about others – and yourself.
My First Novel: About Chapter 11

You can’t run away from your problems, but often running can help you put your problems in the proper perspective. Brooke has always found joy in running – although sometimes joy is replaced by relief.