The maple tree was there all along; overshadowed by a tall oak growing a few feet away. When the oak got sick I was sad, but it had enjoyed a long life providing a home for generations of birds and squirrels and bearing witness to many changes to its surroundings. In many ways, the oak had become too privileged over the years …
Life Experiences
Exercise for Seniors – The Choice that Really Does Matter

Exercise for seniors is even more important than for my younger friends. You can’t live in today’s world without getting the message; but do we listen? It seems some of us get it, and some of us just don’t.
She only has one gear – forward

Sometimes you need to take a step back, other times a step forward is best, but when you lose a leg, just thinking ‘steps’ takes courage. Family and friends offer help, doctors and therapists give suggestions, but it was hard for Janelle Tuck Lenhart to trust their advice, especially since they all had two healthy legs. Her case was different. She felt alone.
If they could see her now!

I met Linda Viner after a 5K race. Linda blew away her age group and I was fortunate in mine. Despite her achievement that morning, Linda was ready for more. Linda is a nationally ranked Tower Runner. Those are the competitive stair climbers who travel the world racing up the tallest buildings. But she didn’t always feel like a champion.
Hey Mom & Dad … Chess may be a better choice than football

People who learn chess at an early age enjoy positive cognitive benefits in analytical and decision-making skills. These are the important lessons Jessica Prescott serves up daily at Over the Chessboard. An educator and former #1 ranked woman chess player in North Carolina, Jessica offers lessons, school programs, summer camps, a book, newsletter, Facebook page and much more – all connecting kids to chess and the many life lessons it provides.
I didn’t vote and I don’t care

I made a choice not to care on Tuesday, when, along with 91% of my fellow eligible primary voters, I found more important things to do than to decide the future of Charlotte. I cared more about where to have lunch, what movie to see next, or how late to sleep Sunday morning than I did about my next Mayor and City Council.
Where Do You Go to Church?

Years ago, it was common to ask people where they went to church. Today, the question sounds more like “…do you have a place of worship?” or “…what is your faith tradition?” The question has changed because the choice of answers has changed.
Street Art Tells a Story

I had not looked deeply at street art until Brian sent me some examples. He has been collecting images for years – looking for answers to what these artist are trying to say. Now I look at street art differently – with more interest – asking the same questions.
Seven things blogging taught me I wish I had learned years ago

“I truly believe everything we do and everyone we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we’re all teachers (and students) – if we’re willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks …” – Marla Gibbs
Trolleys Matter

Many years ago, trolleys were at the heart of Charlotte – they connected everything. Our grandparents took trolleys to work, to school, to shop, and to worship. Today’s trolleys will provide the same benefits for neighborhoods to the west and east of our core and will prove to be equally wise.