I am always amazed and appreciative of the gifts my friends possess. These stories each have happy endings because they’re about friends with gifts, helping friends. What are your gifts?
Life Experiences
Finding My Way

The weather in the early morning hours has been pleasant for the last few weeks, so I’ve been going outside for my morning meditation. It will begin waning now, but that’s not why, on this morning, I stayed inside. I switched on the light beside my favorite chair and settled in with my first cup of coffee. After a few sips, I picked up the neglected book that holds my daily meditations; they’re each short and help me focus my thoughts.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Our children grew up with public television. The dial on the TV was set to The Electric Company, Zoom, Sesame Street, and Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Mr. Rogers was about kindness and love. And that bothered me.
Getting My First Tattoo

Tattoos are everywhere – it seems like everyone has one these days. With all this ink, I’ve been wondering what’s behind the rising trend. Maybe people are getting tattoos because they have a need to fit in with the quarter of our population who “get it” the tattooed. So does this ancient tradition have a place in my life? That’s what I’m trying to decide as I think about my choice in getting my first tattoo.
Changing My Playlist

Even though I liked the music on my device, I was getting in a rut. But alas, when you’ve memorized all the words, it’s time for a change. I hoped shaking up my music would keep things fresh and help me expand my horizons. Then I began to explore Indie music …
Artists And Adventurers Make The Best Leaders

Artists and adventurers make the best leaders. They are the ones who push us (and themselves) to explore the world beyond our comfortable limits: physically and emotionally. They’re the risk takers and big thinkers we need as our guides.
Before You Close Your Suitcase – Open Your Heart

I knew about the shortage of houses in El Salvador but what I didn’t know was the culture of the people in this small country with fewer square miles than Massachusetts. I knew about Habitat homes in Charlotte, I’d been working on them for years, but Habitat for Humanity in El Salvador builds differently.
Afternoon Tea Listens Better

The invitation arrived in the mail, inviting my wife and me to Afternoon Tea. We’ve attended our share of events – receptions, luncheons, dinners, even meetings at long polished tables, or over coffee at a local shop – but never Afternoon Tea. It’s a tradition that has been left behind, like the White Rabbit of Lewis Carroll we’re all too busy rushing from here to there to ever stop for Afternoon Tea.
Going To Camp – On A Bike

I have wonderful memories of my childhood summers. My days were not interrupted by the school bells. In those months, my classroom was outdoors, exploring the neighborhood on my trusty red bike. Today, things are different. Kids spend less time exploring on their own. At CLT Bike Camp, children ages 5 thru 13 can learn the essentials of safe riding, bicycle maintenance and more; while having fun in a safe and supportive environment.
Traveling With New Eyes

Barns can be a popular subject for photographers. They shoot them in every light and from every angle. They don’t wait for a sunny day when the storm in the night offers the best shot. Legend has it the barn above was built in 1913 by Thomas Mouton and his sons on what is now part of Grand Teton National Park. It is featured in more photos than any barn in the world. Grand Teton National Park is also home to the Laurance Rockefeller Preserve, a 1,106 acre refuge designed for the visitor’s spiritual and emotional connection with Nature. The new welcome center set the perfect interpretative tone for our immersion by painting this large quote on a wall …