They said, “No, your glove is fine.” I knew my parents were wrong. I needed a new baseball glove if I was going to be a world famous second baseman and play in the World Series – I had to have the right equipment. Everyone knows that! I fumed over it for a few days […]
Life Experiences
NYC on little cash
Don’t run out of money in The Big Apple. We stopped in New York for one night on the way home from our honeymoon in Bermuda. We stayed at The Ritz, and while we had considered leaving some of the luggage at the airport we ended up with everything at the hotel. About five bags plus two […]
The perfect honeymoon, almost.

Taking time for a honeymoon is a good choice – location is not important but time is. Bermuda was wonderful. Castle Harbor was perfect. Everything was like a story book. BTW: it is now The Rosewood at Tucker Point. We rode motor scooters everywhere; stopping at secluded private white sand beaches for a swim and generally just […]
Get me to the church on time!

Take what the moment gives you. The night before the wedding, my best man Dave and I were packing my stuff. I had my golf clubs ready to travel; Dave asked if Joyce played golf. “No, but we are going to Bermuda, I need my clubs”, I smiled. “Wrong”, said Dave. The clubs stayed home. Best […]
Will you marry me?

The right moment will show up – trust. On a trip to Cincinnati one weekend, Joyce and I visited, John Coleman, and his family. He had an old double sided partner desk he was not using and he offered to let us take it back to Indianapolis. With true pioneer spirit, we loaded it on […]
Love at First Sight!

Trust the universe and it will shape your life Stay in the moment, you never know what the universe has planned for you. In the mid 1960’s, as a Unit Manager with Procter & Gamble, I often worked with sales representatives calling on customers. One particular Friday in September, 1966 Rich Seymour and I ended […]