I wanted a forever home, a spot in the community, not just a seat on a plane. I wanted to control my life and have time for my wife and children – to attend school, religious, scouting and sports events. I wanted them to grow up in the same house and not move every few years, the way I had as a child. All of these thoughts made Charlotte the ideal location for our final move.
Life Experiences
Entrepreneurs Matter

Married and with two young children, I took a big step to enter the world of small business. I had spent 17 years with all of the privileges of upper management in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Those years were educational and rewarding but I was ready for something new; plus, there was a side of Corporate America I didn’t want to be part of …
Buskers Matter

Thanks to the Experience the City of Music program, the traveling public can enjoy a great layover at this Pacific Rim gateway. The Port of Seattle and the SeaTac merchants offer varied arts programing, including live performances by selected local musicians seven days a week throughout the terminal. On Sunday, traveling home from Alaska, I met Gretchen Yanover …
Skunk Cabbage

Skunk Cabbage is the first sign of spring along the streams of Alaska. It sticks its green head up from under the melting snow to welcome the return of the breeding salmon. When you look closely at the plant, the inner most leaf, around the flower, is bright yellow and the plant has a flower on a tall stalk, like a staff. The Tlingit people of Southeast Alaska respect this special plant and understand how it is hitched to everything else.
Casey’s Ministry

Twenty-five years ago Joyce and I visited Alaska. In the years since, we have longed to return, to go deeper, to learn more. When we discovered that Casey Anderson, the rock star of NatGeo Wild and America the Wild, was part of a trip with National Geographic on the Sea Bird we knew we were ready to travel.
Namasté in Alaska

My wife and I journeyed to Southeast Alaska for a week in late May, traveling among the many islands on a small expedition ship. Each day we went ashore by Zodiac inflatable boats to a remote cove or inlet. I found Namasté connecting me to my surroundings in ways I had not previously experienced or even thought about.
Following your heart

I am inspired by people who follow their hearts and their dreams. It takes great courage to go against the flow of our society’s expectations. This story is about people who are following their heart. Their choices allow them to find a level of happiness that others, who follow only their head, are missing.
Lessons from Running with Middle School Boys

A 73 year-old grandfather learns about boys from running with them after school. Finishing my fourth season of coaching a running program for middle-school boys, I feel I have gained some insights into working with boys during this awkward time in their development. I am not a child psychologist, nor a spokesperson for any running program; these are just a grandfather’s thoughts.
Namasté in May

For the month of May, I want to bring Namasté into my daily life. I hope Namasté finds a comfortable forever home and stays with me longer than just one month. Being kind to each other is a way to express the idea of Namasté (nah-mas-tay), a Sanskrit word with many interpretations …
Recovery can take the long road home.

Free of my cancer treatments, I thought I could just run quickly from the darkness of the cave into the bright light of regained health, but my recovery was much longer than a short run – it was a long and difficult uphill climb.