Do you pay your bills on time as they arrive, before they’re even due, or do you wait until the last minute, maybe longer? How about the people who pay you, your clients or employer? Does that money arrive on time, or do you often need to wait – even needing to chase down your pay check? As a small business owner, I lived every emotion. To understand what fast payment can do for a relationship, on both sides, follow me on my Saturday morning routine in the mid 1980’s.
When Kids Buy A Company

How much do your children or grandchildren know about money, where it comes from, and how to use it? Understanding money, the work required to earn it and the knowledge to manage it, are important parts of any good education. In late 2011, I opened trading accounts for all four grandchildren at Charles Schwab. These accounts weren’t some fancy inheritance tax strategy, or college savings accounts, rather small custodial accounts that couldn’t be cashed out until age 21. The goal was education …
I felt important that afternoon

John had made me feel important in our conversations leading up to that meeting and he was continuing to boost my confidence now. The plan he had presented made me feel good, even proud that I had chosen to meet with him. It was comforting to know my wife and young children would be taken care of if something dreadful happen to me. I also thought about how proud my father would be of my concern for my family …
Should a 10 year-old go to work?

They said, “No, your glove is fine.” I knew my parents were wrong. I needed a new baseball glove if I was going to be a world famous second baseman and play in the World Series – I had to have the right equipment. Everyone knows that! I fumed over it for a few days […]
Keeping the books at a Lemonade Stand

Growing up, my friends and I would operate a lemonade stand on hot summer days. Back then a motorist or pedestrian would always stop and buy a cold glass of lemonade – cars were not air-conditioned so the cool lemonade was refreshing. We used our mothers glasses from the kitchen cabinet. The glasses were the […]