In the short time following the game’s release on July 6, 2016, Pokémon Go has gained over 10 million American users. These gamers are now outside, walking around parks and noteworthy places in their neighborhoods, searching for Pokémon, instead of sitting inside on their sofas. That’s right, the players are up and moving – walking! Getting EXERCISE, even if they don’t realize it.
Look up!
Many people today don’t seem to even know where they are. I am told we check our phones on average 15 times each hour. That’s once every four minutes! What are these head down phone checkers missing? For sure they miss the beauty of the new day and the opportunity to spend time in the moment.
If I could choose MY School …
My schools were always red brick. We sat in rows at our desk, facing the black board. The teacher talked. We listened. Period. Davidson Green School empowers students, from age three up through fifth grade, to learn how to be independent, creative, and responsible thinkers. That’s inspiring and it fits with what I want from education today.
My first art class
I am in my very first art class. I’m learning a lot, but not how to sketch with pastels or paint with oils – I’m learning to sit still and keep quiet. These are skills I should have mastered by now, but I have never been good at either. I can’t talk or move because I am the model. I am sitting in the middle of a high school art class surrounded by a circle of a dozen students, standing at their easels, all sketching … ME.
Keep Charlotte Friendly
A Grey Tsunami is fast approaching. The 55 and over age group will move into the lead spot and the focus will need to shift to making Charlotte not only friendly, but age-friendly. The good news is that my 55 and up group have needs that even the 25-34 year olds will appreciate.
Yoga has an older history in Charlotte than I knew
I can only scratch my head and wonder what people must have thought back in 1970 when Ann Owens began explaining the benefits of yoga to her friends. I know anxiety and stress were alive 45 years ago, but it all seems like a more simple time. Just the image of people from Myers Park – on mats – in a church – doing Downward Facing Dog is more than I can take in.
Charlotte has Art – but you need to know where to look
In searching Charlotte for local art, I soon realized that knowing where to look was just as important as knowing what I was looking for. I answered where to look at Dilworth Artisan Station, a building dedicated to providing space for working artists; now the only remaining question was just what particular style was best for our home.