“The real death of the United States will come when everyone is just alike.”
– Ralph Ellison, 1961
Airport layovers are no fun – unless they happen at SeaTac.
Thanks to the Experience the City of Music program, the traveling public can enjoy a great layover at this Pacific Rim gateway. The Port of Seattle and the SeaTac merchants offer varied arts programing, including live performances by selected local musicians seven days a week throughout the terminal.
On Sunday, traveling home from Alaska, I met Gretchen Yanover. Gretchen is a busker (aka: street musician) chosen to perform in the Sea-Tac airport.
“I was a busker as a teenager, playing with a string quartet at the Pike Place Market. It was a great summer job – it was fun getting to know the culture of the market life and making music with my friends. I have traveled with my cello as a street performer; once to Montreal for a month and another time to France and Spain. Carrying a cello around the streets is a great way to meet people!”

When Gretchen got a job with Northwest Sinfonietta, a serious classical gig, she stopped her street performing. She thought high-brow musicians didn’t do the street thing but…
“Now, doing my music at Sea-Tac is the perfect bridge between the busker world and classical concert hall.”
“I love that travelers who would not normally hear my kind of music are exposed and touched by something new. I love the accessibility and the informal, approachable setting. People can stop or not, and stay for as long as they want or not. I love that kids listen and move and express! I think it’s great that people can show their appreciation in different ways which are all valuable, including paying attention, or giving some money, or buying a CD, or a combination of all …”
Since my return home, I have almost worn out Gretchen’s two CD’s and will need to order replacements or download some tunes soon. I will keep up with Gretchen on FaceBook as well.
Take a break with me and enjoy Gretchen for a moment:
“The smiles, the kind words, the hand to the heart, and the offerings toward my “daily bread” are all fantastic.”
Gretchen wants the same world I do. “…where people are kind to each other…where our environment matters; where rules are fair to everyone.”
“The idea of lots of folks supporting artists with “little bits adding up to a lot” holds with my other ideas, like “many hands make light work” and that I’m just going to keep putting my “drops in the bucket” – like being as conscientious as I can about what I consume.”

Gretchen has made a good choice. She can enjoy both her classical world and her street performing in the same community – a choice that provides a recipe for her happiness.
It is wonderful that we have “Gretchens” in our world. They make it a better place – they matter. Ralph Ellison has it right; we die when everyone is just alike.
What comes into your mind when you spot a street musician? Do you drop a dollar or two or move to the other side of the street? Why?
I think of street musicians (buskers) the same way I think of kids with lemonade stands. Do you know of others you put in this group? Who are they?
What difference do you see between Buskers and Pan-Handlers?
As always, the conversation starts here.
“In the ordinary choices of every day we begin to change the direction of our lives.”
– Eknath Easwaran
Learned a new word today. My youngest son is a glass blower in Seattle. He is in charge of the glass program at Pratt Art Institute in downtown Seattle. His glass work has been on display at SeaTac. Guess he is contributing to the “vibe” in a silent way.
Awesome Richard, Yes – your son is making a huge contribution. I wonder if he knows Gretchen? Her Facebook link is above, have him look her up. Also, I hope you have sent this story to your son and that he will share it with his friends. Maybe he would have some comments on the program at Sea-Tac. I am interested in the impact on all our Public Spaces by Buskers, Public Art, Food Trucks, Graffiti and anything else that keeps our communities alive. Please have him and his friends jump in. Remember, e-mail – Facebook and Twitter are all… Read more »
Great article. Fantastic cellist! I will have to make sure Seatac is on my radar. Thank you for sharing.
Yes Michele, keep SeaTac AND Gretchen Yanover on your radar. Her CD’s are fantastic and far less money than an airplane ticket.
Thanks for joining the conversation.
– Bruce
I love Bruce’s last comment/reply about a cd being less money than an airplane ticket! I like that my music is traveling around, and I also like thinking about being transported by music. I have felt transported in experiences of listening to music, and also in playing…. Even though I have created these physical discs of music, I hope to keep the idea of non-material creating on the forefront of my goals as a person and parent and teacher, with people making their own fun in whatever ways call…. I am so thankful for the opportunity to play at Seatac… Read more »
I am thankful for you, and for Casey Anderson, Namasté, and everything else that the universe is bringing together in http://www.choicesdomatter.org. All “drops in the bucket” of our lives.
There is hope in our world today even when the headlines try to tell us otherwise.
– Bruce
Bruce, This is beautiful and perfect timing with all that is going on. What a lovely place to play in the woods too! Thanks, this word was new to me as well.
Amy, thanks for your comment. Our headlines continue to disappoint me yet I am seeing more and more good news. I believe we are at a ‘tipping point’ in the dialogue and we can all begin to engage for productive solutions soon.
We should have more open discussion on where we are finding hope in the news and in our lives.
I want to develop that thought…..
– Bruce
Nice music. I used it today in meditation. I am glad you found your new calling—lots of us will benefit…Ciao
Thanks, I find Gretchen’s music wonderfully soothing any time of day, or night.
And thanks for reading Choices Do Matter.
– Bruce
Hi Gretchen – I met you in SeaTac – We jammed & talked it was fun ! I was also returning from Alaska: Joanie Madden’s ‘Folk ‘N Irish Music Cruise – It was a blast. – Harpinhankhogan – I just found your Beautiful Bow & Cello CD ! Beautiful. Someday. Hank