
“Have you ever noticed how parents can go from the most wonderful people in the world to totally embarrassing in three seconds?” ― Rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid

Parents. We do love them so much, but sometimes you wish they came with an off switch.

We know it all comes from a good place (well, most of the time), so we cope with unsolicited life advice – and the occasional unrequested rearranging of furniture – because, hey, they\’re our parents.

In Chapter 9, we follow Brooke as she endures her parents … well … being parents, but as a result, winds up with a major item checked off her life list.

So let’s keep reading. Here’s Chapter 9.

Remember, this is a shared experience. Your comments and suggestions at the end of each chapter will help us pick the best route so we can all end up back at Tall Clover Farms by the end of the book.

As always, the conversation starts here.