“Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” – Albert Camus
Walking is one of my favorite ways to connect with my city. I can walk in my neighborhood or around the track for exercise, but my walks in Charlotte’s parks keep me connected with the diverse community growing up around me. I continue to be excited by the different cultures and languages I see and hear.
I wonder where our city will be in coming years. We will grow for sure, adding new residents, and we will add different cultures, languages, and lifestyles.
Thinking about the Albert Camus quote above, I realize how much I want our new neighbors to weave themselves into the fabric of this city I love. I don’t want them to follow me, nor do I want to follow them. I just want us to walk together and be friends.

Meet Louisa. She loves the park. She has made it our favorite place. I admire her outgoing nature and the way she enjoys meeting all her new friends.
Louisa likes to see her neighborhood dog friends but she also seems to enjoy meeting the wide variety of new dogs she sees at the park. Both Louisa and I have been told by the experts that this kind of socialization is good and that it will keep her balanced later as a mature member of our household.
I am thinking the same can be true for us all.
Louisa is equally friendly with almost every dog she meets. She doesn’t seem to care whether their parents speak different languages because she seems to be able to talk freely with all her many friends.
Did Louisa know the Albert Camus quote from an earlier life? I don’t know the answer to that question but what I do know is how well she understands his message. “Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
Labels go away in the park. We are all just people, with our pets. We are no longer these people or those people. We don’t have this dog or that dog. We are all just walking together, as friends in the park.
What about you and your pup? Do you stick close to home where you know everyone, or do you get out to socialize with people and pups who are different from you?
What is the value of this socialization for Louisa, for your pup, for me, and for you?
As always, the conversation starts here.
“In the ordinary choices of every day we begin to change the direction of our lives.” – Eknath Easwaran
My wife and I are staying in a small town in Italy for a month. We don’t have our dogs here so don’t have an ice breaker when meeting someone on the street. In Atlanta when I walk the dogs, people coming across our path often say hello as I try to do. Here though it is very hard to make eye contact with another person on the street. But if I stop to greet a dog, the dog oftentimes will greet me and the owner will let me pet the dog. Morale of story, pets break the ice and… Read more »
Thanks for your comment. Yes, dogs can be a great ice-breaker. Our Louisa certainly is friendly and outgoing. She wants to visit with everyone.
Maybe all of our politicians should let their dogs do the talking? It might be more friendly … but wait, some dogs do have a very loud bark (and some even bite).
Maybe you should just stay in your small Italian town until this election cycle passes. HaHa
Thanks for being part of the Choices Do Matter family,
– Bruce
Well, you both know that I completely agree with all you have said about dogs. I, too, am a dog lover and Herbie has taught me so much and he is a friend getter for me. In fact, we have had a doggie day with some of his friends and his groomer who is the best there is, Dogs have a special way of opening doors that we may hesitate to enter. They really know how to be friends and want to be your constant companion. Great blog!!!
Mary Lou –
I know you both love Herbie. Yes, dogs are special. If we all were only half the person our dogs think we are, the world would be a better place.
I am glad you enjoyed the story.
– Bruce
Mary Lou –
CORRECTION….”I know you love Herbie”….or….”we all love Herbie.”
Dogs are a great way to meet pretty women…puppies work best!
Wade –
I have heard that. I am glad Joyce is always with me and that Louisa is now an adolescent. Do you take Dexter for walks?
– Bruce
My mom and I really enjoyed meeting you and Louisa today at Freedom Park!! This blog is wonderful- looking forward to reading more.
Isabel –
I’m glad you found the story: A Walk In The Park. It’s a favorite of mine (and maybe Louisa’s as well).
Our conversation today sounded like you and your mom have some thinking to do – let me know if I can help.
– Bruce
I met you & Louisa in Freedom Park a few days ago and my heart was lifted and opened. I had Jasper my 7 month old Aussie and he & Louisa acted as they had known each other for quite a long time. Free smiles, sniffs, and love freely given by animals. Amazing. Thank you & Louisa for being there and making Jasper’s and my day complete.
Helen –
It was nice to meet you and Jasper as well. From what we saw that afternoon, you two make a perfect team. Therapy training is going great at only seven months; congratulations to you both.
Thanks for joining the conversation and do come back often.
– Bruce